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Winter Energy Payment
The Winter Energy Payment is an extra payment over the winter months for students getting Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.
You don't need to apply for the Winter Energy Payment - you'll get it automatically if you're getting Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.
You'll automatically get the Winter Energy Payment if you’re getting Jobseeker Support Student Hardship, or any of these benefits from Work and Income:
- Jobseeker Support
- Sole Parent Support
- Supported Living Payment
- Young Parent Payment
- Youth Payment
- Emergency Benefit
- Emergency Maintenance Allowance.
If you're getting one of these benefits, you will automatically get Winter Energy Payment. You don't need to apply for it.
Who can't get the Winter Energy Payment
You can't get the payment if you're not getting Jobseeker Support Student Hardship or one of the above benefits from Work and Income.
Winter Energy Payment dates
The Winter Energy Payment will be paid from 1 May to 1 October, as long as you're still getting Jobseeker Support Student Hardship during this time, or a Work and income benefit.
It's paid to you every week, on the same day you get your Jobseeker Support Student Hardship or benefit.
Winter Energy Payment rates
Single people with no dependent children | $20.46 a week |
Couples, and people with dependent children | $31.82 a week |
Couples will be paid $31.82 whether you live together or separately.
The Winter Energy Payment:
- doesn't affect your other payments from us, or your Income Related Rent
- is a non-taxable payment
- can't be paid as a lump sum.
You need to tell us if you leave New Zealand between 1 May and 1 October, so we can work out if your payments can continue while you're away. If you're able to keep getting your benefit when you're overseas, we'll keep paying your Winter Energy Payment for up to 28 days.
Find out how to tell us about your travel, and what happens to your payments, here:
When you return to New Zealand
If you return to New Zealand:
- before 1 October, you need to contact us so we can start your Winter Energy Payment again
- after 1 October, your Winter Energy Payment will automatically start again next year, as long as you still qualify.
If you don't want the Winter Energy Payment, contact us so we can remove it from your payments.
If you ask us to stop these payments, we won’t start them again (even in future years) unless you ask us to.